
LIU Wenxin


9a4d750be33f4ac5885073c83679a2bf.pngName:LIU Wenxin

Department:Department of Agricultural Economics

Professional Title:Associate Professor

The basic information:

LIU Wenxin, 1987, male, born in Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province, associate professor, and master supervisor.

Direction of enrollment: Agricultural Economics and Management (Master); Agricultural Management, Business Administration (Professional Master)

Mail box: liuwenxin@nwafu.edu.cn

Office: Room C418, School of Economics and Management

Education background:

From September 2006 to June 2010, majored in Tourism Management in Guangxi University for Nationalities, obtained a bachelor's degree.

From September 2014 to June 2017, majored in Regional Economics at Liaoning Normal University, obtained a master's degree.

From September 2017 to June 2020, majored in Agricultural Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, obtained ph. D. degree.

Work experience:

July 2020 to present, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University.

The research field:

Water resource economics, agricultural economic management, rural regional development, resource and environmental economics.

The master course:

Political Economy, Advanced Development Economics and Agricultural Development, etc

Scientific research achievements:

1. Scientific research projects

[1] Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress, Shaanxi Federation of Social Sciences, 2021HZ0933, Research on the potential and optimization path of high quality development of County economy in Shaanxi Province from the perspective of dual carbon, 2021-10 to 2021-12, in research, in principal.

[2] Ministry of Education, Youth Fund Project, 21YJC630086, Study on the spatial and temporal evolution and allocation paths of water quality in urban and rural areas of northwest counties from the perspective of water poverty, 2022-01 to 2024-12, in research, in principal.

[3] China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Project No. 2021M692655, Green efficiency measurement and improvement path of rural water use in Shaanxi Province from the perspective of water poverty, 2022-01 to 2023-12, in research, in principal.

[4] Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Social Science Circles, Research Project on Major Theoretical and Practical Issues in Philosophy and Social Science, 2021ND0378, Synergistic Research on Water Quality and High Quality Economic Development in Shaanxi Province, 2021-04 to 2022-04, in research, in principal.

[5] Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Doctoral Research Initiation Project, Z1090220194, Spatial characteristics of water quality and economic development in Shaanxi Province, 2020-10 to 2023-10, in research, in principal.

[6] Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Social Science Circles, Research Project on Major Theoretical and Practical Issues in Philosophy and Social Science, 2020ND0280, Research on Optimization Path of High-Quality Economic Development in Shaanxi Province from the Perspective of Resource and Environmental Constraints, 2022-04 to 2023-04, in research, with participation.

[7] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Special Project, 72141006, Study on the path of ecological revitalization to promote the common prosperity of rural farmers, 2022-01 to 2022-12, in research, with participation.

[8] Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, Education Science "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" 2020 Project, SGH20Q208, Research and Practice of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Cultivation Model in Agriculture, Forestry, Economics and Management in the Context of New Agricultural Science, in research, with participation.

[9] Ministry of Education, Innovation and Practice of the Six-in-One Collaborative Education Model of Agriculture and Forestry Economics and Management for Rural Revitalization, Ministry of Education, 2021-07 to 2023-12, in research, with participation.

2. Published papers

Liu Wenxin, Zhang Yao, Xu Ruifan, Zhang Zhen. Water shortage risk evaluation and its primary cause: Empirical evidence from rural China.  Natural Resources Forum , 2022, 1-21. DOI: 10.1111/1477-8947.12249

XU Ruifan, LIU Wenxin, ZHAO Minjuan. An Empirical Study of Ecological Perceptions,Livelihood Capital and Farmers' Willingness and Capability to Make Ecological Compensation Payments.  Journal of Agro-Forestry Economics and Management , 2021, 20(04): 449-457. DOI:10.16195/j.cnki.cn36-1328/f.2021.04.47.

Yao Zhang, Wenxin Liu, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Brent Swallow, Chaohui Zhou, Minjuan Zhao. An insight into the drag effect of water, land, and energy on economic growth across space and time: the application of improved Solow growth model.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s1135-0 21-16053-0

Yao Zhang, Wenxin Liu, Yu Cai, Sufyan Ullah Khan, Minjuan Zhao. Decoupling analysis of water use and economic development in arid region of China – Based on quantity and quality of water use.  Science of the Total Environment , 2021, 761. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143275.

Wenxin Liu, Ruifan Xu, Yue Deng, Weinan Lu, Boyang Zhou, Minjuan Zhao*. Dynamic Relationships, Regional Differences, and Driving Mechanisms between Economic Development and Carbon Emissions from the Farming Industry: Empirical Evidence from Rural China.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2021, 18, 2577.

Zhaorunqing Liu; Wenxin Liu*. Spatial-Temporal Relationship between Water Resources and Economic Development in Rural China from a Poverty Perspective.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2021, 18, 1540. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph18041540.

CUI Yu, LIU Wenxin, CAl Yu, ZHU Jun, ZHAO Minjuan. Has the Efficiency of Rural Green Development Converged in China?—An Empirical Analysis from 1997 to 2017.  Journal of Agrotechnical Economics , 2021, (02): 72-87. DOI:10.13246/j.cnki.jae.2021.02.007.

Weinan Lu, Wenxin Liu, Mengyang Hou, Yuanjie Deng, Yue Deng, Boyang Zhou, Kai Zhao*. Spatial–Temporal Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Agricultural Water Use Efficiency in Northwest China—Based on a Super-DEA Model and a Spatial Panel Econometric Model.  Water , 2021, 13, 632.

XU Ruifan, LIU Wenxin, NI Qi, ZHAO Minjuan. Risk perception, government trust and urban residents' ecological compensation payment level in Weihe river basin.  Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment , 2021, 35(04): 10-16. DOI:10.13448/j.cnki.jalre.2021.09.

Yao Zhang, Wenxin Liu, Minjuan Zhao*. The Drag Effect of Water Resources on China’s Regional Economic Growth: Analysis Based on the Temporal and Spatial Dimensions.  Water , 2020, 12, 266.

Jiyao Liu, Minjuan Zhao, Liuyang Yao, Wenxin Liu, Gongyuan Fan. Evaluating the value of ecological water considering water quality and quantity simultaneously.  Water and environmental Journal , 2020, 6, 12.

Wenxin Liu, Minjuan Zhao*, Yu Cai, Rui Wang, Weinan Lu. Synergetic Relationship between Urban and Rural Water Poverty: Evidence from Northwest China.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2019, 16, 1647.

Boyang Zhou, Wenxin Liu, Weinan Lu, Minjuan Zhao*, Linfei Li. Application of OECD LSE Framework to Assess Spatial Differences in Rural Green Development in the Arid Shaanxi Province, China.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2019, 17, 286. 10.3390/ijerph170102 86.

Xiaoping Li, Wenxin Liu, Yan Yan, Gongyuan Fan, Minjuan Zhao. Rural Households’ Willingness to Accept Compensation Standards for Controlling Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution: A Case Study of the Qinba Water Source Area in Northwest China.  Water , 2019, 11(6), 1251.

Wenxin Liu, Caizhi Sun, Minjuan Zhao*, Yongjie Wu. Application of a DPSIR Modeling Framework to Assess Spatial–Temporal Differences of Water Poverty in China.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association , 2019, 1: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12724.

HU Wei, LIU Xiaofeng, GE Yuejing, HU Zhiding, LIU Wenxin, Dang Qin. Analysis of American geo-setting and its enlightenment for China.  Science & Technology Review , 2019, 37(16): 95-107.

Wenxin Liu, Minjuan Zhao*, Wei Hu, Yu Cai. Spatial-temporal variations of water poverty in rural China considered through the KDE and ESDA models.  Natural Resources Forum , 2018, 42: 254-268. doi: 10.1111/1477-8947.12162.

Wenxin Liu, Minjuan Zhao*, Tao Xu. Water Poverty in Rural Communities of Arid Areas in China.  Water , 2018, 10(505).

SUN Cai-zhi, WU Yong-jie, LIU Wen-xin. Application of DPSIR-PLS model to analyze water poverty in China.  Arid Land Geography , 2017, 40(05): 1079-1088. DOI:10.13826/j.cnki.cn65-1103/x.2017.05.019.

Caizhi Sun, Yongjie Wu, Wei Zhou, Liangshi Zhao, Wenxin Liu. A Rural Water Poverty Analysis in China Using the DPSIR-PLS Model.  Water resources management , 2017, 32: 1933-1951.

SUN Caizhi, WU Yongjie, LIU Wenxin. Application of TOPSIS method based on entropy weight to water poverty evaluation and obstacle indicator diagnoses for Dalian City.  Water Resources Protection , 2017, 33(04): 1-8.

SUN Caizhi, TONG Yanli, LIU Wenxin. Measurement of Green Development Level and Its Dynamic Evolution Rule in China.  Economic Geography , 2017, 37(02): 15-22. DOI:10.15957/j.cnki.jjdl.2017.02.003.

CaiZhi Sun, Wenxin Liu, Wei Zhou. Water Poverty in Urban and Rural China Considered Through the Harmonious and Developmental Ability Model.  Water Resources Management , 2016, 30(3): 2547-2567.

3. Awards

[1] Liu Wenxin (1/3); Water poverty in rural communities of arid areas in China, Shaanxi Province,  The 4th Postgraduate Innovation Competition , Third Prize, 2018.