
YAO Liuyang


ccfbe00ac2c14ba39eae45d40d0618db.pngName: YAO  Liuyang

Department:Department of Agricultural Economics and Management


Basic Infomation

YAO  Liuyang, Male, Han nationality, born in November 1988, is a member of the CPC, doctor, professor, and doctoral supervisor.

Admission Orientation:Agricultural Economic and Management (Master, PhD); Resource Economics and Environmental Management (Master, PhD); Agricultural Management (Professional Master Degree).

Office: B412, College of Economics and Management



PhD, Agricultural Economics and Management, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU, Sep, 2012 ~ June, 2018

B.E., Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Management, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU, Sep, 2008 ~ June, 2012

Working Experience

Lecturer, International Business School, Aug 2018 ~Dec 202, Shaanxi Normal University

Associate Professor, International Business School, Jan 2021 ~Dec 2021, Shaanxi Normal University

Professor, College of Economics and Management, Dec 2021 ~Present, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University

Research Interests

Agricultural economic management, resource and environmental economics, ecological economics.

Course Teaching

Microeconomics (Advanced), Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Zoning.

Scientific Research Achievements

1. Research Projects

[1] Valuing the conservation benefits of endorheic basins' comprehensive management programs in northwest China: Characterizing spatial heterogeneity in choice experiments and benefit transfer,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Host, 2020.01 to 2022.12.

[2] The valuation of ecological water use with spatial heterogeneity in China’s northwestern inland river basins,China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Host, 2018.11 to 2021.11.

[3] The pathway to Ecological Products’ Value Realization Mechanism in Shaanxi Province. Shaanxi Province Philosophy and Social Sciences Major Theoretical and Practical Issues Research Project, Host, 2021.04 to 2022.04.

[4] The welfare effects of farmer’s participating in carbon farming projects. Starting project of talents development project in Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University,Host, 2021.12-2026.12.

[5] The pathway to promoting common prosperity by ecological revitalization in rural areas,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Participant, 2022-01-2022-12.

[6] Economic Incentives, Peer Effect and Green Fertilization Behavior of Wheat Famers - Research Based on Randomized Intervention Experiments,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Participant, 2020-01-2023-12.

2. Papers

[1] Wang, W.*, Gong H., Yao, L. , & Yu, L. Preference heterogeneity and payment willingness within rural households' participation in rural human settlement improvement[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 312 : 127529.

[2] Yao L* , Sui B. Heterogeneous preferences for shale water management: Evidence from a choice experiment in Fuling shale gas field, southwest China [J]. Energy Policy, 2020: 147(12), 111831.

[3] Yao L , Zhang Q*, Lai, KK, Cao X. Explaining Local Residents' Attitudes toward Shale Gas Exploitation: The Mediating Roles of Risk and Benefit Perceptions [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 19.

[4] Yao L , Sui D, Liu X*, Fan H. The Psychological Process of Residents' Acceptance of Local Shale Gas Exploitation in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17, 6736.

[5] Li X, Yan Y, Yao L* . 'Get a Fish' vs. 'Get a Fishing Skill': Farmers' Preferred Compensation Methods to Control Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2020, 17(7), 2484.

[6] Liu, J., Zhao, M.*, Yao, L. , Liu, W., & Fan, G. Evaluating the value of ecological water considering water quality and quantity simultaneously [J]. Water and Environment Journal, 2020, 34: 635-647.

[7] Xu T, Ni Q, Yao L , et al. (2020) Public Preference Analysis and Social Benefits Evaluation of River Basin Ecological Restoration: Application of the Choice Experiments for the Shiyang River, China[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020, 5.

[8] Yao L , Deng J, Johnston RJ, Khan I, Zhao M*. Evaluating willingness to pay for the temporal distribution of different air quality improvements: Is China's clean air target adequate to ensure welfare maximization?[J]. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 2019, 67(2): 215-232.

[9] Yao L , Zhao M*, Cai Y, Yin Z. Public Preferences for the Design of a Farmland Retirement Project: Using Choice Experiments in Urban and Rural Areas of Wuwei, China[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(5 ).

[10] Khan, I., Zhao, M.*, Khan, SU, Yao, L. , Ullah, A., & Xu, T. Spatial heterogeneity of preferences for improvements in river basin ecosystem services and its validity for benefit transfer [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 93: 627-637.

[11] Yao L , Zhao M*, Xu T. China's Water-Saving Irrigation Management System: Policy, Implementation, and Challenge[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(12).

[12] Johnston RJ*, Holland BM, Yao L . Individualized Geocoding in Stated Preference Questionnaires: Implications for Survey Design and Welfare Estimation[J]. Land Economics, 2016, 92(4): 737-759.

[13] Aregay FA, Yao L , Zhao M*. Spatial Preference Heterogeneity for Integrated River Basin Management: The Case of the Shiyang River Basin, China[J]. Sustainability, 2016, 8(10): 970.

[14] Zhao M*, Yin R, Yao L , Xu T. Assessing the impact of China's sloping land conversion program on household production efficiency under spatial heterogeneity and output diversification[J]. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2015, 7(2) : 221-239.

[15] Liu Jiyao, Ni Qi, Yao Liuyang, Lu Weinan, Zhao Minjuan. The Standard Measurement of Differential Compensation for Pesticide Packaging Waste Recycling: An Empirical Analysis Based on 1060 Fruit and Vegetable Farmers in Shaanxi Province [J]. China Rural Economy, 2021(06) : 94-110.

[16] Xu Tao, Ni Qi, Jordan, Yao Liuyang , Zhao Minjuan. Distance effect on the willingness of rural residents to participate in watershed ecological restoration:Evidence from the Shiyang River Basin [J]. Resources Science, 2020, 42(07): 1395 -1404.

[17] Jia Yajuan, Zhao Minjuan*, Xia Xianli, Yao Liuyang . Mode of classified treatment of rural domestic wastes and suggestions [J]. Resource Science, 2019, 41(02):134-147.

[18] Yan Yan, Yao Liuyang , Lang Liangming, Zhao Minjuan*. Revaluation of ecosystem services in inland river basins of China: Based on meta-regression analysis [J]. Chinese Journal of Geography, 2019, 74(005): 1040-1057.

[19] Shi Yuxing, Yao Liuyang , Zhao Minjuan*. The Effect of Social Capital on Herdsmen's Participation Willingness in Grassland Community Governance: An Analysis Based on Triple-Hurdle Model [J]. China Rural Observation, 2018(3):1-16.

[20] Yan Yan, Yao Liuyang , Xu Tao, Zhao Minjuan*. Public preferences and policy evaluation of air pollution control: Taking the haze governance in Xi'an a an example [J]. Resources and Environment in Arid Areas, 2018(4): 23 -31.

[21] Yao Liuyang , Zhao Minjuan*, Xu Tao. Social Benefits under Land Conservation Policy: A Choice Experiment for Non-market Valuation [J]. Issues in Agricultural Economics, 2017(2):32-40.

[22] Zhang Chen, Zhao Minjuan*, Yao Liuyang , Yan Yan. Research on Difference of Willingness to Pay for Land Conservation Plan Between Urban and Rural Residents [J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition), 2017, 17(5): 90-97 .

[23] Yao Liuyang , Zhao Minjuan*, Xu Tao. Economic Rationality or Ecological Literacy? Logic of Peasant Households' Soil Conservation Practices [J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), 2016(5):86-95.

[24] Xu Tao, Zhao Minjuan*, Yao Liuyang , et al. The choice of agricultural production and management forms: scale, organization and efficiency [J]. Agricultural Technology and Economy, 2016(2) : 23-31.

[25] Xu Tao, Yao Liuyang , Jordan, Zhao Minjuan*. Evaluation of social and ecological benefits of water-saving irrigation technology: Taking Minqin County in the lower basin of Shiyang River as an example [J]. Resources Science, 2016, 38(10): 1925-1934 .

[26] Yao Liuyang , Zhao Minjuan*. Incorporating Environmental Externality Into Agricultural Productivity and Growth Analysis [J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition), 2015, 15(4):34-39.

[27] Zhao Minjuan*, Xu Tao, Shi Hengtong, Yao Liuyang , Liu Bingyang, Lu Qian. Framework Design of Natural Resource Governance System under the Background of Ecological Civilization [J]. China Environmental Management, 2015, 7(5): 26-32.

[28] Zhao Minjuan*, Xu Tao, Shi Hengtong, Yao Liuyang , Liu Bingyang, Lu Qian. Ecosystem Service Valuation of Watershed Restoration in the Shiyang River Basin under Heterogeneous Preferences [J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2015, 6(6): 405-411.

Honors and Rewards

[1] The Second Prize of Shaanxi Outstanding Achievements Award of Colleges and Universities in Humanities and Social Sciences Research. Department of Education of the Shanxi Province, 2021, Ranking the 4th.

[2] The Third Prize of Shaanxi Outstanding Achievements Award of Colleges and Universities in Humanities and Social Sciences Research. Department of Education of the Shanxi Province, 2021, Ranking the 1st.

[3] The Second Prize of the Essay Competition on the Transitive Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization, Yulin Federation of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020, Ranking the 1st.

[4] Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, NWAFU, 2018, Ranking the 1st.

[5] The Second Prize of Shaanxi Postgraduates’ innovation achievements Exhibition, Department of Education of the Shanxi Province, 2018, Ranking the 1st.

[6] The Third Prize of Shaanxi Postgraduates’ innovation achievements Exhibition, Department of Education of the Shanxi Province, 2018, Ranking the 2nd.