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作者:   信息来源:    浏览次数:   发布时间:2019-04-06

(1)报告题目:中国上市公司董秘的角色以及其工作年限对上市公司的影响(Does Tenure matter: Role of the corporate secretary in Chinese listed firms)

  报告人:王  琛                  主持人:杨虎锋  博士

  报告时间:2019年4月8日(周一)     下午15:00-16:00


  内容提要:公司董事会秘书(董秘)有数百年的历史,最初这一职位仅为公司的“Humble Clerk”,但随着现代公司治理结构的不断完善,董秘职位的作用及影响也越来越大,当今上市公司董秘对公司治理、信息披露及内部控制有着不可或缺的作用。本次讲座主要讨论上市公司董秘工作年限对公司治理质量的影响。通过定量研究发现公司董秘的工作年限将会对公司董事会会议效率、独立董事发表反对意见、公司卷入诉讼及监管机构制裁都有明显的作用。这些结果在进行工具变量及PSM等有效性检验后依然显著。研究结论呼吁监管机构及各类市场参与者增强对董秘重要性的认识,并且将其作为衡量及影响公司治理质量的重要因素(This workshop discuss the impact of corporate secretary tenure on the governance quality of Chinese A-share listed firms. Empirical show that corporate secretary tenure is negatively associated with board meeting frequency, outside director in-meeting dissent and incidence of fraud and lawsuit. Key findings are robust to an array of additional tests including the propensity score matching, instrument variable analysis as well as alternate governance measures such as analyst coverage, modified auditor opinion, number of mutual fund shareholders, and outside director board meeting absence. Overall, these results support our conclusion that the experience of the corporate secretary can significantly influence a firm’s governance quality. In line with McNulty and Stewart (2015), it confirms the importance of corporate secretary in favor of modern corporate governance outcomes and board processes.)。

  报告人简介:王琛,中国人民大学经济学院经济学学士,英国杜伦大学商学院金融与投资学硕士,西交利物浦/英国利物浦大学博士,长期从事股权投资、私募基金相关工作。现任西咸新区风险投资有限公司、西咸新区金控资本资产管理有限公司董事长、总经理。多篇论文发表于《International Financial Markets, Institution and Money》、《Accounting Horizon》等SSCI期刊,并在多个国际学术会议做大会报告。

  (2)报告题目:谁能获得贷款?来自中国P2P贷款平台的证据(Who can get money? Evidence from the Chinese peer-to-peer lending platform)

  报告人:董轶哲                  主持人:杨虎锋  博士

  报告时间:2019年4月8日(周一)     下午16:00-17:00


  内容提要:本文探讨了借款人财务信息和个人信息、贷款特征对P2P贷款融资的影响。利用中国最大在线P2P贷款平台的信贷样本,我们发现,高收入群体或拥有汽车的借款人更容易获得贷款、利率更低,并且违约概率较低。其次,贷款平台对客户的信用评级无法反映借款人真实的信用水平。实证还发现,中国P2P在线借贷平台独特的线下流程对借贷决策影响显著,本文实证结果对大数据贷款市场产品设计、风险管控有着非常重要的现实意义(This paper explores how borrowers' financial and personal information, loan characteristics and lending models affect peer-to-peer (P2P) loan funding outcomes. Using a large sample of listings from one of the largest Chinese online P2P lending platforms, we find that those borrowers earning a higher income or who own a car are more likely to receive a loan, pay lower interest rates, and are less likely to default. The credit grade assigned by the lending platform may not represent the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. We also find that the unique offline process in the Chinese P2P online lending platform exerts significant influence on the lending decision. We discuss the implications of our results for the design of big data-based lending markets.)。

  报告人简介:董轶哲,英国爱丁堡大学(University of Aberdeen) 金融学副教授(终身教职), 博士生导师。获得拉夫堡大学 (Loughborough University) 金融学博士,诺丁汉大学 (University of Nottingham)金融学硕士,卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)经济学硕士和华南理工大学学士。曾担任英国亚伯大学(Aberystwyth University) 讲师和杜伦大学(Durham University)博士后研究员。致力于金融机构效率,银行经营与管理,公司治理, 公司金融, 绿色金融和信用风险管理研究。先后在《European Journal of Operation Research》,《European Journal of Finance》, 《A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies》, 《International Review Financial Analysis》, 《British Accounting Review》, 《Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money》,《Economic Modelling》等SSCI期刊发表论文20余篇。2017年由Palgrave Macmillan出版社出版了题为《Microfinance for Entrepreneurial Development: Sustainability and Inclusion in Emerging Markets》的学术专著。董轶哲博士还先后多次组织重要国际学术会议,并担任多个学术期刊的客座编辑。