
WANG Yanan


96a2203fa251414f91b854c7c0f5f768.pngYa-nan Wang Associate Prof.

Birth Date: Mar 13, 1988

Nationality: Chinese

Email:wyn3615@nwafu.edu.cn; wyn3615@126.com

Address: NO.3 Taicheng Road, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

Affiliations: College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China

Tel: (+86)-18700592792


Tianjin University of China (TJU)                                                                               Tianjin

Doctor of Business Administration                                     2013.9- 2016.6

Northwest A&F University of China (NAFU)                                                            Shaanxi

Master of Business management                                         2011.9-2013.6                                

Taiyuan University of Technology (TYUT)                                                                 Shanxi

Bachelor of Accounting                                                       2007.9- 2011.7


Climate Change and Environmental Issues

Low carbon economics

Resources and environmental policy

Agricultural low-carbon development

Low carbon transformation of the food system


National Social Science Foundation Project: Research on the influence mechanism and cooperative policy of economic agglomeration promoting regional energy conservation and emission reduction

Advisor: Yanan Wang

Humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education: Study on the spatial effect of agricultural carbon emissions and regional synergic emission abatement policy

Advisor:  Yanan Wang

Research Start-up Funds of Northwest A&F University: Research on Spatial-temporal Characteristics and Regional Difference of Influencing Factors of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China

Advisor: Yanan Wang

Natural Science Basic Research Project of Shaanxi Province: Study on coordinated regulation of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in Guanzhong Plain Urban Agglomeration based on industrial linkage

Advisor: Yanan Wang

Social Science Foundation Project of Shaanxi Province: Study on carbon emission reduction potential, influencing mechanism and emission reduction policy of planting industry in Shaanxi Province

Advisor: Yanan Wang

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project: The spatial path and emission reduction strategy of industrial transfer and carbon transfer from the perspective of environmental regulation

Advisor: Yanan Wang

Shaanxi Natural Science Basic Research Program youth Project: Carbon emission reduction potential and governance strategies of planting industry in Shaanxi Province based on spatial effects

Advisor: Yanan Wang


1. Wang YN, Niu YJ, Li M, Yu QY, Chen W*. Spatial structure and carbon emission of urban agglomerations: Spatiotemporal characteristics and driving forces. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022, 78: 103600.

2. Li M, Li Q, Wang YN, et al. Spatial path and determinants of carbon transfer in the process of inter provincial industrial transfer in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 95: 106810.

3. Yu QY, Li M, Li Q, Wang YN*, Chen W. Economic agglomeration and emissions reduction: Does high agglomeration in China’s urban clusters lead to higher carbon intensity? Urban Climate, 2022, 43: 101174.

4. Wang YN, Wang XR, Chen W, et al. Exploring the path of inter-provincial industrial transfer and carbon transfer in China via combination of multi-regional input–output and geographically weighted regression model. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 125: 107547.

5. Wang YN, Fang XL, Yin SW, et al. Low-carbon development quality of cities in China: Evaluation and obstacle analysis. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 64: 102553.

6. Chen W, Ning SY, Chen WJ, Liu EN, Wang YN*, Zhao MJ. Spatial-temporal characteristics of industrial land green efficiency in China: Evidence from prefecture-level cities. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 113: 106256.

7. Wang YN, Luo XY, Chen W, et al. Exploring the spatial effect of urbanization on multi-sectoral CO2 emissions in China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2019, 10(5): 1610–1620.

8. Wang YN, Li XB, Kang YQ, et al. Analyzing the impact of urbanization quality on CO2 emissions: What can geographically weighted regression tell us?. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019,104, 127-136.

9. Wang YN, Zuo YH, Li W, et al. Does environmental regulation affect CO2 emissions? Analysis based on threshold effect model. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2019, 21(3):565-577.

10. Wang YN, Chen W*, Zhao MJ, Wang BW. Analysis of the influencing factors on CO2 emissions at different urbanization levels: Regional difference in China based on panel estimation. Natural Hazards, 2018. Accepted. (2016 IF="1.833)

11. Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*, Wu Q. The effect of industrial relocation on industrial land use efficiency in China: A spatial econometrics approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 205, 525-535. 

12. Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*, Wu Q. Does industrial land price lead to industrial diffusion in China? An empirical study from a spatial perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 40, 307-316. (2016 IF="1.777)

13. Wang YN, Zhao MJ, Chen W*. Spatial effect of factors affecting household CO2 emissions at provincial level in China: a geographically weighted regression model. Carbon Management, 2018, 9(2), 187-200. (2016 IF="1.661) 

14. Wang YN*, Chen W, Kang YQ, et al., Spatial correlation of factors affecting CO2 emission at provincial level in China: a geographically weighted regression approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 184: 929-937 (2016 IF="5.715) 

15. Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*, Wu Q. How do industrial land price variations affect industrial diffusion? Evidence from a spatial analysis of China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 71, 384-394. (2016 IF="3.089)"

16. Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*. Evaluation of economic transformation and upgrading of resource-based cities in Shaanxi province based on an improved TOPSIS method. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 37, 232-240. (2016 IF="1.777) 

17. Wang YN*, Kang YQ, Wang J, Xu LN. Panel estimation for the impacts of population-related factors on CO2 emissions: A regional analysis in China. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 78: 322-330. (2016 IF="3.898) 

18. Wang YN*, Zhao T. Impacts of energy-related CO2 emissions: Evidence from under developed, developing and highly developed regions in China. Ecological Indicators, 2015 (50), 186-195. (2016 IF="3.898) 

19. Li W, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Guo F. Investigating the learning effects of technological advancement on CO2 emissions: a regional analysis in China. Natural Hazards. 2017, 88(9):1-17. (2016 IF="1.833)"    

20. Yang YY, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Shi ZH. Research on impacts of population-related factors on carbon emissions in Beijing from 1984 to 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2015 (55), 45-53. (2016 IF="3.094) 

21. Zhao LT, Zhao T, Wang YN*. A multisectoral decomposition analysis of Beijing carbon emissions. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2017, 19: 565-575. ( 2016 IF="3.331)

22. Guo F, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Wang Y. Estimating the abatement potential of provincial carbon intensity based on the environmental learning curve model in China. Natural Hazards. 2016, 84(1), 685-705. (2016 IF="1.833)" 

23. Wang J*, Zhao T, Wang YN. How to achieve the 2020 and 2030 emissions targets of China: Evidence from high, mid and low energy-consumption industrial sub-sectors. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 145:280-292. (2016 IF="3.456)"

24. Kang YQ, Xie BC, Wang J, Wang YN. Environmental assessment and investment strategy for China's manufacturing industry: A non-radial DEA based analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 175: 501-511. (2016 IF="5.715)