
LUO Jianchao


95775d99f40343c289861282e32e12bf.pngName: LUO Jianchao



Basic Information

LUO Jianchao,Male,Nationality: China,Date of Birth: 28-01-1964,Hometown: Wugong,Shaanxi,Communist Party Member,Professor,Doctoral Supervisor, Social affiliation, other,

Admission Orientation:Agricultural Economics and Management (PhD); Agricultural Economics and Management (Master degree); Agricultural Economics and Management (Bachelor degree)

Office: C-2-19, College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University

Phone: +86-29-87081510



PhD, Economics, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU, Sep, 1988~ July, 1992

M.A., Economics, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU, Sep, 1986 ~ July, 1988

B.E., Economics, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU, Sep, 1982 ~ July, 1986

Working Experience

Professor, Director of Research Institute for Rural Finance, College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, December. 1998 ~ Present

Attended in advanced English in Xi’an Foreign Language University, September 1999 ~ February 2000

Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, USA,November 2006 ~ November 2007

Associate Professor and Research Fellow, College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, December 1993 ~ November 1998

Lecturer, College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, December 1992 ~ November 1993

Research Interests

Agricultural Economics and Management, Theory and Policy of Rural Finance, Management of Rural Finance, Financial Empowerment of the Rural Revitalization, Finance Engineering

Course Teaching

Economic Development, Rural Finance, Money and Banking, Central Banking, Advanced Micro-economics and Macro-economics, Advanced Finance, Theory and Practice of Modern Management, Game Theory and Macro-finance Policy

Scientific Research Achievements

1. Research Projects

[1] “Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation, Risk Control and System Construction of the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Policy” ,National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), Jan 2019-Dec 2022,No. 71873100.

[2] “Research on the Policy Orientation and Implementation Path of Financial Empowerment of Rural Revitalization”, the Soft Science Project of the Central Agricultural Office and the Rural Revitalization Expert Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 2022.5.31—2023.5.31, No.: rkx20221801

[3]“Rural Revitalization Financial Policy Innovation Team”, Chinese Universities Scientific Fund, 2022.1-2023.12, No. 2452022074.

[4]"Research on the Effect Evaluation, Operational Pattern, Supporting Policy of the Contracted Management of Farmland Mortgage Finance", The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Jan 2016- Dec 2019, No. 71573210.

[5]"Study on the rural financial market allocation efficiency, the equilibrium of supply and demand and property right mortgage financing model in western China", Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (PCSIRT),Jan 2012-Dec 2014, No. IRT1176.

[6]“Study on openness, efficiency and policy system of rural financial market in west China”, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),Jan 2011-Dec 2013,No.71073126.

[7]“Study on the operational performance evaluation and supported policy of rural micro-finance institutions pilots in China”,Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China in 2010,Jan 2011-Dec 2013,No. 20100204110030.

[8]“The Efficiency Evaluation of Government Fiscal Investment to Agriculture and Macro Supervisory System in Ecological and Environmental Reconstruction in Western China”, the Ministry of Education, China, Jan 2002- Dec 2006.

[9]“The Growth Mode and Supervisory Guarantee System of Chinese Government Fiscal Investment in Agriculture”, National Natural Science Fund of China (NSFC), Jan 2001-Dec 2003.

[10]“The Scheme and Management Innovation of Chinese Farmland Finance Institution”, National Natural Science Fund of China (NSFC), Jan 2002- Dec 2002.

[11]“The Change and Macro Pattern of Regulation and Control of Chinese Agriculture Investment”, National Natural Science Fund of China (NSFC), Jan 1997- Dec 1999.

[12]“Studies on the Organizing System of Farmland Finance in Western China and the Allocation of Credit Risks”, Humanity and Social Science Research Project, Department of Education, China, Jan 2003- Dec 2005.

[13]”Study on the Policies of Farmland Management”, National Land Management Department, China ,July 2001-July 2002.

[14]“Study on the effectiveness evaluation operational mode and supporting polices of the mortgage finance on the contracted rights of the rural land”, Basic Scientific Research Expenses- Humanities and Social Science Project, Northwest A&F University ,May 2014-May 2017.

2. Papers

[1] Khan, A. A., Khan, S. U., Ali, M. A. S., Safi, A., Yuling, G., Ali, M., & Luo, J.*(2022). Role of institutional quality and renewable energy consumption in achieving carbon neutrality: Case study of G-7 economies. Science of The Total Environment, 152797.

[2] Khan, A. A., Luo, J.*, Safi, A., Khan, S. U., & Ali, M. A. S. (2022). What determines volatility in natural resources? Evaluating the role of political risk index. Resources Policy, 75, 102540.

[3] Khan, A. A., Khan, S. U., Ali, M. A. S., Safi, A., Gao, Y., & Luo, J.* (2022).Identifying impact of international trade and renewable energy consumption on environmental quality improvement and their role in global warming. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10.

[4] Khan, A. A., Khan, S. U., Ali, M. A. S., Javed, T., Khan, A., & Luo, J.* (2021).An impact of climate change and groundwater salinity on shadow price of water, farmers’ revenue, and socioeconomic and environmental indicators in district Kohat-Pakistan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-14.

[5] Khan Arshad A, Luo Jianchao*, Microfinance and poverty reduction: New evidence from Pakistan,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FINANCE & ECONOMICS, 2020;1–11.

[6] Khan Arshad A, Luo Jianchao*, A New Ranking Methodology for Pythagorean Trapezoidal Uncertain Linguistic Fuzzy Sets Based on Einstein Operations, SYMMETRY 2019, 11, 440.

[7] Khan Arshad A., Luo Jianchao*, Analysis of Robot Selection Based on 2-Tuple Picture Fuzzy Linguistic Aggregation Operators, MATHEMATICS 2019, 7, 1000.

[8] Khan Arshad A., Luo Jianchao*, Pythagorean Fuzzy Dombi Aggregation Operators and Their Application in Decision Support System, SYMMETRY 2019, 11, 383.

[9] Li, J., Khan, A. A., Muhammad, A. S. A., & Luo, J.* Correction to: does farmers' agricultural investment is impacted by green finance policies and financial constraint? from the perspective of farmers' heterogeneity in northwest China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-2.

[10] Rabbany, M.G., Mehmood, Y., Hoque, F., Sarker, T., Khan, A.A., Hossain,K.Z., Hossain, M.S., Roy, R. and Luo, J.*, 2021. Effects of partial quantity rationing of credit on technical efficiency of Boro rice growers in Bangladesh: Application of the stochastic frontier model. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 501-509.

[11] Rabbany, M.G., Mehmood, Y., Hoque, F., Sarker, T., Hossain, K.Z., Khan,A.A., Hossain, M.S., Roy, R. and Luo, J.*, 2022. Do credit constraints affect the technical efficiency of Boro rice growers? Evidence from the District Pabna in Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(1), 444-456.

[12] Rahman Airin, Luo Jianchao*, How indebted farmers perceive and address financial risk in environmentally degraded areas in Bangladesh, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2020,3(27): ‏ 7439-7452.

[13] Il Islam Md Din, Luo Jianchao*, Factors Influencing Rice Farmers' Risk Attitudes and Perceptions in Bangladesh amid Environmental and Climatic Issues, POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, 2020, (30):177-187.

[14] Heng Zhang, Luo Jianchao*, How Does Rural Household Differentiation Affect the Availability of Farmland Management Right Mortgages in China? EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE,2019(7):1-20.

[15] Xi Yang, Luo Jianchao*, Wenshou Yan, Heterogeneous effects of rural land property mortgage loan program on income: Evidence from the Western China, CHINA AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC REVIEW Vol. 10 No. 4, 2018, 695-711.

[16] Rahman M. Wakilur, Luo Jianchao*, Welfare Impacts of Microcredit Programmes: An Empirical Investigation in the State-Designated Poor Counties of Shaanxi, China. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2015, 27(07):1012-1026.

[17] Wu Yanghui, Luo Jianchao*. Analysis with Bayesian Network Structure on Financial Data. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM, 2014,10 (19): 8405-8412.

[18] Rahman M. Wakilur, Luo Jianchao*. Policies and Performances of Agricultural/Rural Credit in Bangladesh: What is the Influence on Agricultural Production? AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 2011,6(31):6440-6452.

[19] M. Wakilur Rahman and Jianchao Luo*, Sustainability of NGO-type microfinance service provider in Shaanxi, China: Peer with Grameen Bank, Bangladesh, African Journal of Business Management, Vol.6(15):5319-5327,18 April,2012.

[20] M. W Rahman and Jianchao Luo*, Comparison of Microcredit Models in China and Bangladesh: the implications for institutional sustainability, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol.14(2): 245-255.

[21] M. W Rahman and Jianchao Luo*, The Development Perspective of Finance and Microfinance Sector in China: How Far is Microfinance Regulations? International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.3(1):160-170.

[22] M. W Rahman and Jianchao Luo*, Regulation of Microfinance Service Providers in China and Bangladesh: An approach to strengthening the regulatory environment, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 6(3):1019-1033, 2012.

[23] Hong Li, Jianchao Luo*, Yoshiro HIGANO, Comprehensive watershed management policies with emphasis on effective utilization of biomass resources for both improving water quality and reducing greenhouse-gas emission in the Dianchi Lake, China, (JAHES), Vol.18: 62-72.

[24] Yanghui Wu, Jianchao Luo*, Analysis with Bayesian Network Structure on Financial Data, Journal of computational information Systems, Journal of Computational Information Systems,2014 Vol.19.

[25] Jianchao Luo*, Opportunities and Policy Suggestions for the Sustainable Development of Chinese Agriculture in 21st Century, China-USA Business Reviews, 2004 Vol.3:44-49.

Honors and Rewards

[1] China Agriculture Investment and Agriculture Development in China, The second prize of Excellent Research Fruits of Philosophy and Social Science in Shaanxi Province, Dec 1998.

[2] Choices of Cross-Centuries: Strategic Study of Industrial Development of Agriculture in China, The third prize of Excellent Research Fruits of Philosophy and Social Science in Shaanxi Province, Dec 1998.

[3] Analysis of Governmental Behaviors during the Evolution of Farmers Cooperation Economic Organization, The first prize of Excellent Fruits of National Humane Science in New Period & The first prize of China Excellent Academic Fruits of Theoretical Innovation, Aug 2002.

[4] On Necessity of Increasing Fiscal Investment to Agriculture, Excellent Sci-Tech Fruit of “the Eighth Five-Year Plan”, Apr 1996.

[5] Market Economy and Policy Adjustment of Chinese Agricultural Development, The third prize of excellent paper in China Youth Sci-Tech Forum, Oct 1999.

[6] On Adjustment of Structure of Agriculture Investment in China, The first prize of excellent paper of Association of Agricultural Economics of Shaanxi Province, Jun 1994.

[7] Analysis of Operation of Agriculture Investment and Countermeasures, The second prize of excellent paper of Association of Finance and Association of Rural Finance of Shaanxi Province, Aug 1990.

[8] Money and Banking, Outstanding Courses in NWSUAF in 2003, Sep 2003 and in Shaanxi Province in 2004, Sep 2004.

[9] Microfinance Impacts and Sustainability: Case of Shaanxi, China and Bangladesh, The 11th prize of Excellent Research Fruits of Philosophy and Social Science in Shaanxi Province, Jan 2014

[10] Total Factor Productivity of Micro-Finance Institutions-An Empirical Study Based on 30 Micro-Finance Institutions, The 11th prize of Excellent Research Fruits of Philosophy and Social Science in Shaanxi Province, Jan 2014

[11] Shaanxi Youth Shock Workers, Committee of Shaanxi Youth League, Jan 2004.

[12] The Third Youth Teacher’s Award in University, Ministry of Education, Beijing, China, May 2002.

[13] The Special Subsidy from Central Government, the State Council, Beijing China, Jun 2001.

[14] Shaanxi Excellent Youth Worker on Economics Theory in the First Session, Committee of Shaanxi Youth League, Xi’an China, May 1999.

[15] Sci-Tech New Star, Agricultural Science Development Fund in Yangling,Yangling, China, Mar 1999.

[16] Excellent Sci-Tech Worker in the Eighth Five-Year Plan, Northwest Agriculture University, Yangling, China, May 1997.