
BAI Xiuguang


24437443c8304437a6a180d84a065e67.pngName: BAI Xiuguang



Basic Infomation

BAI Xiuguang,Male,Chinese,Jan.19.1981,XUN County,Henan Province,Professor.

Admission Orientation:Agricultural Economic Management (PhD); Industrial Economics, Regional Economics (Master degree); Agricultural Management (Professional Master Degree)

Office: B-3-02, College of Economics and Management

Phone : 029-87081209



PhD, Management science and engineering, School of Economics and Management, BUPT, Sep, 2006 ~ July, 2009

M.A., Applied Mathematics, School of Science, BUPT, Sep, 2004 ~ July, 2006

B.E., Information and computing science, School of Mathematics and Computing Science, GUET, Sep, 2000 ~ July, 2004

Working Experience

Professor, Jan. 2021-present, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU

Associate Professor, Jan.2013-Dec.2020, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU

Lecture, July 2009- Dec.2012, College of Economics and Management, NWAFU

Visiting Scholar, Mar. 2016-Mar. 2017, School of Business, Curtin University, Australia

Visiting Scholar, Sep. 2011-Jan. 2012, College of Economics, Xiamen University

Research Interests

Agricultural economic management, Regional economics, Environmental economics, Green Productivity, Green (Environmental) Total Factor Productivity, Eco-efficiency, Climate Change

Course Teaching

《Statistics》《Econometrics I II III》

Scientific Research Achievements

1. Research Projects

[1] Spatial and temporal differences of agricultural eco-efficiency and its influencing factors in Shaanxi,Provincial,Host, 2022-2023

[2] Research on the effect and influence mechanism of agricultural products e-commerce on farmers' poverty reduction and income increase in Shaanxi,Provincial,Host, 2020-2021

[3] The identification and mining scheme of ecological technology,National, Host, 2016-2021

[4] The impacts of climate change on agriculture, Education Ministry, Host, 2018-2020

[5]Research on the reduction of application of agricultural chemical fertilizers and the improvement of efficiency in Shaanxi Province based on the perspective of efficiency, Provincial,Host, 2018-2019

[6] Research on the Agricultural Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth and its Improvement Mechanism Based on Farmer Heterogeneity, National, Host, 2014-2016

[7] Study on Operating Efficiency and Behavior of the household, Education Ministry, Host, 2012-2014

2. Papers

[1] Xiuguang Bai* ,Tianwen Zhang, Shujuan Tian, Yanan Wang. Spatial analysis of factors affecting fertilizer use efficiency in China: an empirical study based on geographical weighted regression model [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(13): 16663-16681. (SCI,JCR Q2,IF 4.223)

[2] Xiuguang Bai* ,Tianwen Zhang, Shujuan Tian.Evaluating Fertilizer Use Efficiency and Spatial Correlation of Its Determinants in China: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach [J].Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(23), 8830.(SCI/SSCI,JCR Q1,IF 3.39)

[3] Bai Xiuguang*, Wang Yanan, Huo Xuexi et al., Assessing fertilizer use efficiency and its determinants for apple production in China [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 104: 268-278. (SCI/SSCI,JCR Q1,IF 4.49)

[4] Yu Hao, Wang Yu, Li Liudi, BAI Xiuguang*. Study On The Effect Of E-Commerce Participation On Farmers' Income-Increasing: An Empirical Analysis Based On Endogenous Switching Regression Models [J]. World Agriculture. 2021(12): 40-48 (CSSCI)

[5] YU Linxia, Xiuguang*,Technical efficiency of apple production on Loess Plateau and its influencing factors [J].Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2018,32 (04):68-74. (CSSCI)

[6] Zhang Bo, BAI Xiuguang*, Fertilizer use efficiency and its affecting factors in apple production in Loess Plateau [J].Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2017:31(11):55-61.

[7] Bai Xiuguang*, Li Xiaopan. Impact of Climate Chang on the Layout of Apple Production in China [J]. Northern Horticulture, 2016,(1):204-209.

[8] Impacts and contribution of climate change on apple productivity in China[J]. Journal of China Agricultural University, 2015 ,(04):82-91.

[9] Empirical Studies on the climate change and variation of Regional Apple Production Structure in China[J]. Economic Geography, 2015, (06): 130-137 (CSSCI)

[10] Impact of climate change on the growth of yield and total factor productivity in the main apple producing areas [J]. Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 2015,(08):98-111 (CSSCI)

[11] Technical progress, Elemental flexibility and productivity of apple[J].Statistics and Decision, 2012,(21):114-118 (CSSCI)

[12] Coordination of Multi-leaders and Multi-followers in Supply Chain of Value-Added Telecom Services[J]. China Communications, 2011,8(5): 157-164(SCI)

[13] Research on the application of Multi-followers Stackelberg model to the telecom value-added service supply chain[J]. China Communications,  2010,7(2):147-152 (SCI)

[14] Research on the Application of Multi-followers Stackelberg Model to the Telecom Supply Chain [J].China Communications,2009,6(4):51-54 (SCI)

[15] Researches on Operational Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Telecommunication Operators[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2007,30(6):81-84 (EI)

Honors and Rewards

[1] 2021 Outstanding Graduate Instructor,NWAFU

[2] Excellent in the 2020 college teacher morality assessment,College

[3] Excellent In the 2017, 2013 and 2012 college assessment, College