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来源:   作者:   发布日期:2023-10-19     浏览次数:





系    室:管理学系工商管理教研室

职    称:副教授



王雅楠(1988.03-),女,山西朔州人,副教授。先后主持与参与多项国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金和省部级基金。长期关注低碳经济与管理、农业经济与管理、资源与环境政策研究等问题。近年来以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文60余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文40余篇。担任SSCI期刊《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》《Land》期刊客座主编,担任Journal of Development Economics, Ecological indicators, land use policy, Applied Economics, Applied Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Environmental Research Communications, Energy Efficiency, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, Cities, Economic Modelling等多个中国科学院一区期刊审稿人


邮      箱 :wyn3615@nwafu.edu.cn  

办 公 室 :welcometo欢迎光临888集团C110室













1. 科研项目

[1] 国家社会科学基金项目(20CJY023),经济集聚促进区域节能减排的影响机理与协同政策研究,2020.09-2023.08,20万,主持;

[2] 第66批中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助(2019M663846),环境规制视角下产业转移与碳转移的空间路径及减排策略,2019.01-2020.12,5万,主持;

[3] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目(2019JQ-350),基于空间效应的陕西省种植业碳减排潜力与治理策略研究,2019.01-2020.12,3万,主持;

[4] 陕西省社会科学基金项目(2019S010),陕西省种植业碳减排潜力、影响机制及减排政策研究,2019.09-2021.09,2万,主持;

[5] 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(18XJC790014),基于空间效应的农业碳排放区域协同减排政策研究,2018.9-2020.12,8万,主持;

[6] 杨凌示范区科技助力脱贫攻坚项目(2019-FP-04),镇巴茶产业扶贫现状及对策研究,2019.6月-2020.12, 4万,主持;

[7] 杨凌示范区科技助力脱贫攻坚项目(2020-KJFP-21),镇安茶产业扶贫现状及对策研究,2010.6月-2021.12, 2万,主持

[8] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 72074181, 高质量发展下工业用地利用转型:演化机制、环境效应与协同优化研究, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 48万元, 在研, 参与
[9] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 71973106, 生鲜农产品物联网电商:种植户"认知-意愿"及需求驱动的运作模式研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 48万元, 在研, 参与
[10] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 71873102, 环境意识与技能对农户亲环境行为的影响机理与政策优化研究:以秦巴山区非木质林产品生产为例,2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 47万元, 资助期满, 参与
[11] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 71873098, 草地资源多主体协同治理网络的结构特征、作用机理与制度转型, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 48万元, 资助期满, 参与
[12] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 71803152, 线上线下融合背景下生鲜电商与线下店铺的竞合策略研究, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 17万元, 结题, 参与

2. 发表论文

[1] Xian B., Xu Y., Chen W., Wang YN* (2024). Lu Qiu. Co-benefits of policies to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 104, 107301.

[2] Sun Y, Wang YN, Zhou X, Chen W*.(2023).Are shrinking populations stifling urban resilience? Evidence from 111 resource-based cities in China. Cities,141, 104458.

[3] Xiao YT, Xu YL, Li M, Wang YN*, Chen W. (2023).Does the integration of manufacturing and producer services improve carbon emission efficiency? Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy.

[4] Wang YN, Liu JX, Wang J*, Liu ZM.(2023).Exploring the effect of city size on carbon emissions: Evidence from 259 prefecture-level cities in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,30,86165–86177.

[5] Chen W*, Wang Q, Li Q, Wang YN, Zheng WW.(2023).Exploring the impact of rural labor transfer on the production and ecological sustainability of crop planting structure in China. Environmental science and pollution research international,30, 22668–22685.

[6] Luo L, Wang YN*, Liu YC, Zhang XW, Fang XL.(2022).Where is the pathway to sustainable urban development? Coupling coordination evaluation and configuration analysis between low-carbon development and eco-environment: A case study of the Yellow River Basin, China. Ecological Indicators,144.

[7] Yu QY, Li M, Li Q, Wang YN*, Chen W.(2022).Economic agglomeration and emissions reduction: Does high agglomeration in China's urban clusters lead to higher carbon intensity? Urban Climate,43.

[8] Li M, Li Q, Wang YN*, Chen W.(2022).Spatial path and determinants of carbon transfer in the process of inter provincial industrial transfer in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,95.

[9] Li JK, Wang W*, Li M, Li Q, Liu ZM, Chen W, Wang YN.(2022).Impact of Land Management Scale on the Carbon Emissions of the Planting Industry in China. Land

[10] Wang YN, Niu YJ, Li M, Yu QY, Chen W*.(2022).Spatial structure and carbon emission of urban agglomerations: Spatiotemporal characteristics and driving forces. Sustainable Cities and Society,78., 11,6,816.

[11] Wang YN, Yin SW, Fang XL, Chen W*.(2022).Interaction of economic agglomeration, energy conservation and emission reduction: Evidence from three major urban agglomerations in China. Energy,241.

[12] Zhang X, Li M, Li Q, Wang YN*, Chen W.(2021).Spatial Threshold Effect of Industrial Land Use Efficiency on Industrial Carbon Emissions: A Case Study in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18,17, 9368.

[13] Wang BW*, Hu DS, Hao DD, Li M, Wang YN.(2021).Influence of Government Information on Farmers’ Participation in Rural Residential Environment Governance: Mediating Effect Analysis Based on Moderation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18,23,12607.

[14] Wei XK, Chen W, Li M, Wang YN*.(2021).Do environmental regulations promote low-carbon diffusion among different scales of enterprise? A complex network-based evolutionary game approach. Carbon Management,12,6, 681-692.

[15] Wang YN, Wang XR, Chen W*, Qiu Lu, Wang BW, Niu WH.(2021).Exploring the path of inter-provincial industrial transfer and carbon transfer in China via combination of multi-regional input–output and geographically weighted regression model. Ecological Indicators, 125.

[16] Wang YN, Fang XL, Yin SW, Chen W*.(2021).Low-carbon development quality of cities in China: Evaluation and obstacle analysis. Sustainable Cities and Society,64.

[17] Cheng YY, Wang YN, Chen W*, Wang Q, Zhao Guoli.(2021).Does income inequality affect direct and indirect household CO2 emissions? A quantile regression approach. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,23,1199–1213.

[18] Wang Q, Wang YN, Chen W*, Zhou X, Zhao MJ.(2021).Factors affecting industrial land use efficiency in China: analysis from government and land market. Environment, Development and Sustainability,23,10973–10993.

[19] Liu EN, Wang YN, Chen W*, Chen WJ, Ning SY.(2021).Evaluating the transformation of China’s resource-based cities: An integrated sequential weight and TOPSIS approach. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 77.

[20] Chen W, Ning SY, Chen WY, Liu EN, Wang YN*, Zhao MJ.(2020).Spatial-temporal characteristics of industrial land green efficiency in China: Evidence from prefecture-level cities. Ecological Indicators,113.

[21] Qiu L*, Jie XW, Wang YN, Zhao MJ.(2020).Green product innovation, green dynamic capability, and competitive advantage: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing enterprises. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,27,1,146-165.

[22] Wang Q, Wang YN, Chen W*, Zhou X, Zhao MJ, Zhang BB.(2020).Do land price variation and environmental regulation improve chemical industrial agglomeration? A regional analysis in China. Land Use Policy,94.

[23] Chen W, Chen WJ, Ning SY, Liu EN, Zhou X, Wang YN*, Zhao MJ.(2019).Exploring the industrial land use efficiency of China's resource-based cities. Cities,93,215-223.

[24] Wang YN, Luo XY, Chen W*, Zhao MJ, Wang BW.(2019).Exploring the spatial effect of urbanization on multi-sectoral CO2 emissions in China. Atmospheric Pollution Research,10,5,1610-1620.

[25] Zhou X, Chen W*, Wang YN, Zhang DJ, Wang Q, Zhao MJ, Xia XL.(2019).Suitability evaluation of large‐scale farmland transfer on the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi, China. Land Degradation & Development, 30,10, 1258-1269.

[26] Bai XG*, Wang YN, Huo XX, Ruhul Salim, Harry Bloch, Zhang H.(2019).Assessing fertilizer use efficiency and its determinants for apple production in China. Ecological Indicators,104,268-278.

[27] Liang YH, Jing X, Wang YN, Shi Y, Ruan JH*.(2019).Evaluating Production Process Efficiency of Provincial Greenhouse Vegetables in China Using Data Envelopment Analysis: A Green and Sustainable Perspective. Processes,7,11.

[28] Wang YN, Li XB, Kang YQ, Chen W*, Zhao MJ, Li W.(2019).Analyzing the impact of urbanization quality on CO2 emissions: What can geographically weighted regression tell us? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,104,127-136.

[29] Wang YN, Zuo YH, Li W, Kang YQ, Chen W*, Zhao MJ, Chen HB.(2019).Does environmental regulation affect CO2 emissions? Analysis based on threshold effect model. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy.21,3,565-577.

[30] Wang YN, Chen W*, Zhao MJ, Wang BW.(2019).Analysis of the influencing factors on CO2 emissions at different urbanization levels: regional difference in China based on panel estimation. Natural Hazards,96,627–645.

[31] Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*, Wu Q.(2018).The effect of industrial relocation on industrial land use efficiency in China: A spatial econometrics approach. Journal of Cleaner Production,205, 525-535.

[32] Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*.(2018).Does industrial land price lead to industrial diffusion in China? An empirical study from a spatial perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society,40, 307-316.

[33] Wang YN, Zhao MJ, Chen W*.(2018).Spatial effect of factors affecting household CO2 emissions at provincial level in China: a geographically weighted regression model. Carbon Management,9,2,187-200.

[34] Wang YN*, Chen W, Kang YQ, Li W, Guo F.(2018).Spatial correlation of factors affecting CO2 emission at provincial level in China: a geographically weighted regression approach. Journal of Cleaner Production,184,929-937.

[35] Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*, Wu Q.(2018).How do industrial land price variations affect industrial diffusion? Evidence from a spatial analysis of China. Land Use Policy,71,84-394.

[36] Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*.(2018).Evaluation of economic transformation and upgrading of resource-based cities in Shaanxi province based on an improved TOPSIS method. Sustainable Cities and Society,37,232-240.

[37] Kang YQ, Xie BC, Wang J, Wang YN.(2018).Environmental assessment and investment strategy for China's manufacturing industry: A non-radial DEA based analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production,175,501-511.

[38] Wang YN*, Kang YQ, Wang J, Xu LN.(2017).Panel estimation for the impacts of population-related factors on CO2 emissions: A regional analysis in China. Ecological Indicators,78,322-330.

[39] Li W, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Guo F.(2017)Investigating the learning effects of technological advancement on CO2 emissions: a regional analysis in China. Natural Hazards,88,9,1-17.

[40] Zhao LT, Zhao T, Wang YN*.(2017).A multisectoral decomposition analysis of Beijing carbon emissions. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,19,565-575.

[41] Guo F, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Wang Y.(2016).Estimating the abatement potential of provincial carbon intensity based on the environmental learning curve model in China. Natural Hazards.84,1,685-705.

[42] Wang J*, Zhao T, Wang YN.(2016).How to achieve the 2020 and 2030 emissions targets of China: Evidence from high, mid and low energy-consumption industrial sub-sectors. Atmospheric Environment,145,280-292.

[43] Wang YN*, Zhao T.(2015).Impacts of energy-related CO2 emissions: Evidence from under developed, developing and highly developed regions in China. Ecological Indicators,50,186-195.

[44] Yang YY, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Shi Zhaohui.(2015).Research on impacts of population-related factors on carbon emissions in Beijing from 1984 to 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,55,45-53.

[45] 王雅楠,张琪琳,陈伟.(2022).基于碳汇功能的省域农业碳排放及减排潜力研究——以中国三种主要粮食作物为例.重庆社会科学,5,58-75.

[46] 程艺阳,陈伟,王雅楠.(2021).陕西省特色现代农业产业体系发展测评与模式分析.北方园艺,14,165-172.

[47] 李爱,王雅楠,李梦,王博文,陈伟.(2021).碳排放的空间关联网络结构特征与影响因素研究:以中国三大城市群为例.环境科学与技术,44,6,186-193.

[48] 胡德胜,王雅楠,王帆,孔学研,王博文.(2021).农户认知、制度环境与农户人居环境整治参与意愿研究——信息信任的中介效应. 干旱区资源与环境,35,6,15-23.

[49] 王博文,罗岚,王雅楠.(2019).生态敏感区农户多维贫困测度与精准扶贫优先序分析. welcometo欢迎光临888集团学报(社会科学版),19,5,72-80.

[50] 王雅楠,罗岚,陈伟,王博文.(2019).中国产业结构调整视角下的碳减排潜力分析——基于 EIO-LCA 模型. 生态经济,35,11,21-27.

[51] 周雪,陈伟,王倩,王雅楠.(2019).考虑耕地利用条件的黄土丘陵沟壑区农村居民点整理分区及利用对策. 水土保持研究,26,5,312-320.

[52] 王雅楠,马明义,陈伟,王博文.(2018).城镇化对碳排放的门槛效应及区域空间分布. 环境科学与技术,41,11,165-172

[53] 王雅楠,谢艳琦,谢丽琴,陈伟.(2019).基于LMDI和Q型聚类的中国城镇生活碳排放因素分解分析. 环境科学研究,32,4,539-546.

[54] 王雅楠,左艺辉,陈伟,王博文.(2018).环境规制对碳排放的门槛效应及其区域差异. 环境科学研究,31,4,601-608.

[55] 谢智慧,孙养学,王雅楠.(2018).环境规制对企业环保投资的影响——基于重污染行业的面板数据研究.干旱区资源与环境,32,3,12-16.

[56] 王静,王礼力,王雅楠.(2018).社会资本对农户参与农民用水协会意愿的影响研究.农业现代化研究,39,02,309-315.

[57] 张伟,孙养学,王雅楠.(2018).华山牧场游客满意度影响因素实证研究. 黑龙江畜牧兽医,06,39-42.

[58] 彭月,孙养学,王雅楠.(2018).种子科技企业可持续竞争能力评价研究.种子,37,3,63-67.

[59] 王雅楠,孙养学,李威.(2017).人口相关因素对碳排放的影响研究——基于变截距模型的实证分析. 生态经济,33,12,19-23.

[60] 王亚政,赵涛,王雅楠.(2017).基于面板数据的我国碳排放区域差异研究. 重庆理工大学学报:自然科学版,1,58-66.

[61] 王雅楠,赵涛.(2016).基于GWR模型中国碳排放空间差异研究.中国人口资源与环境,26,2,27-34.

[62] 林朋,赵涛,王雅楠.(2016).基于STIRPAT模型的京津冀经济圈人口因素对碳排放的影响研究.电子科技大学学报,18,6,45-50.


[1] 指导1名本科生获2019届校级百篇优秀毕业论文;

[2] 指导2名本科生获2019届院级优秀毕业论文;

[3] 指导1名本科生获2020届院级优秀毕业论文;

[4] 指导本科生参加第五届、第六届全国能源经济大赛,4名学生获得三等奖,1名学生获得二等奖,本人获得优秀指导教师;

[5] 指导本科生获第八届创意农业设计大赛二等奖,本人被授予优秀指导教师,指导本科生获得第五届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛三等奖

[6] 指导本科生获第二届全国林业草原行业创新创业大赛全国半决赛三等奖,总决赛优胜奖;

[7] 指导多名本科生获校级大学生创业训练计划项目;

[8] 指导本科生获得学校第七届大学生创新创业论坛一等奖,本人被评为优秀指导教师;


[1] 指导2015级工商专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q2),保送哈尔滨工业大学;

[2] 指导2015级会计专业本科生发表学校“““双一流”””B刊(JCR Q1),保送中国科学院战略咨询研究所;

[3] 指导2016级工商专业本科生发表CSSCI论文,保送武汉大学;

[4] 指导2016级会计专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q2),出国留学;

[5] 指导2017级会计专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q1),保送北京大学;

[6] 指导2017级农管专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q2),保送中国人民大学;

[7] 指导2017级工商专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q1),保送中国人民大学;

[8] 指导2017级保险专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q1),保送清华大学;

[9] 指导2018级经济学专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q1),保送上海财经大学;

[10] 指导2019级农林经济管理专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q2),保送浙江大学;

[11] 指导2019级会计学专业本科生发表SSCI论文(JCR Q1),保送上海交通大学;

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